negakat Jan 08, 2011 00:12
eternal temp agent world, flipping tables, !public, asf;sdkf, life and times of a slacker, life: work, simply walk into mordor, idefkkkkkk, screaming, we're gonna burn this motherfucker down, thank you for summing that up, life: family, they're slamming doors singing go away, zurg rush, role play, !disabled
negakat Feb 11, 2010 23:32
!public, art, ohgoditskat, eternal temp agent world, elle what have you started
negakat Feb 06, 2010 02:21
!public, art, aim logs, ohgoditskat, eternal temp agent world, friends: thorn
negakat Jan 31, 2010 02:07
!public, art, ohgoditskat, eternal temp agent world